Blocks are lightweight, precast, foam concrete building material fabricated for domestic and industrial use. Birla AAC Blocks are used for producing Concrete Masonry Unit CMU. Ingredients of these blocks are Sand, water, Calcined gypsum, aluminum powder, and lime. Birla AAC blocks products are cast with standard size, cured under temperature and pressure to derive standard properties.  

Birla Aerocon  AAC Blocks 

Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks are widely used in the construction of civil structures owing to its advantages. These AAC Blocks are designed as per standard size and thickness and follow quality tests to meet industrial standards. These blocks find a wide range of applications in both residential and commercial fields. 

Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks possess low weight and high strength. They can be bonded with recommended adhesives  or cement gels and colloids  to ensure proper bonding .

Birla Aerocon  AAC Blocks have larger size and low thickness and are used for paneling. Though they are hard they would require reinforcement to retain steadiness. Birla  AAC blocks can be cut and machined as per requirement. They are available as per standards prescribed in construction modules. 

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Birla AAC Blocks 

Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks has the advantage that includes high strength and ease of use at the site based on site conditions. These  Blocks weigh low, have high strength, and needs to curing at site pre and post usage. These blocks are hard and rigid. These blocks withstand high temperatures. Dimensional tolerance is high and hence expansion factor is less.   

Birla Aerocon   AAC Blocs are moisture resistant. These blocks can withstand high mechanical impact once they are set. Owing to high strength and low weight these blocks are utilized for cost reduction and economic construction. 

Birla Aerocon  AAC Blocks   are  casted with gypsum  base material with certain natural and synthetic fiber and filaments  and undergo various Quality control test . The fibers act as bonding material and ensure rigidity. These boards are fire retardant .These boards constitute natural raw materials and are echo friendly .

Frequently Asked Questions

1)What are Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks ?

AAC Blocks refer to Autoclaved Aerated Concrete .Birla group manufactures these blocks under the brand name Birla Aerocon  blocks and these find use in  construction industry . 

2)What is unique to Birla AAC Blocks ?

Birla Aerocon  AAC  Blocks are casted by mixing  naturally mined raw materials , mixing them  in certain proportion with water colloids  and dried under heat  and pressure  and follow quality parameters .these are Echo friendly  and has lots of advantage .

3)What are the advantage of using Birla AAC Blocks ?

Birla Aerocon AAC blocks are light weight .Possess high strength and hence provide long life for the structure .These blocks are fire resistant , flame retardant , non –toxic , echo friendly  and are less expensive compared to the traditional construction. 

4)Where are Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks used ?

Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks  find wide range of application in construction sites that include factories , economic construction homes  for both wet and dry application.Pre cured , high performance and ready to use are added advantage of using these aerocon blocks  .

5)What are the unique to Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks ?

Pre fabricated , ready to use  blocks help in accelerating work completion in construction industry .This economizes on time and resources .Ease of use , low wastage  and ease of bonding  are  the  unique qualities  .

6)How about availability of Birla Aerocon AAC Blocks ?

We suggest you could contact our local dealer to have more details on the product such as availability , product range  and this would help us provide you the best option for your need . Our contact details are available at our web site . 

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